Tuesday 9 February 2010

Sex dreams about Jim Robinson from Neighbours do not help my pursuit of perfection

Yeah you read that right. Jim Robinson from Neighbours was in my dreams last night...in a sexy way.

Let me set the scene...

Myself and my sister (please see Figure 1), were running around a Jurassic landscape, probably somewhere in Indonesia. There were strange mounds not unlike the one found at Mycenae. We sat down for a picnic in one of them and then, finding that I for some reason had crab paste sandwiches (err..gross!), threw it out of the burial mound opening. No sooner had I done this when...

Figure 1
Dum dum DUMMM!! A Tyrannosaurus Rex (Figure 2) came charging up, and snuffled at the door. Shit your pants that was scary! We distracted him with another sandwich and made a break for it...

Figure 2
Now it all gets bit fuzzy. I went from running around in the jungle to suddenly being dressed in a luxe bath robe in some sort of fur-tent-palace.

There is champagne and oysters, and several four poster beds in one room. "Niiiccee", I think to myself, paying no attention to the fact my sister has disappeared and therefore has probably been eaten by that dinosaur.

Then surreptitiously, who
else but JIM ROBINSON (Actor Alan Dale, Figure 3) comes through the door (tents have doors). He is wearing only some kind of towel-cum-loincloth. He takes my hand and leads me to the bed. I am, at this point, more than a little grossed out.

Figure 3

But I suck it up (metaphorically speaking), and do as I am obviously expected to. I realise that this is a chore I must perform in order to gain material boons like Marc Jacobs handbags (I don't even like Marc Jacobs handbags, this dream gets weirder and weirder).

At this point I realise it's not Jim Robinson, but definately Caleb from The O.C., he has that air of thinking you are an annoying interpuption to his making money.

Then I realise who I have become! I am Julie Cooper-Nichol (Figure 4)!

Figure 4
Then I wake up...

Now, I for one am unsure of this dreams deep unconscious meaning, but would be glad of any help towards an answer.
Sure, Julie Cooper-Nichol was always my favourite OC character, but I didn't think that extended to a wish to physically be her, and experience her cold, meaningless and frankly disgusting life.

Maybe it's cautioning me about materialism? Maybe it does aid my pursuit of perfection?
Anyway it's grossed me out so much I can't bare the thought of compiling my list of perfections to obtain today.

What the hell happened to my sister anyway?

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